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Paper proposals specifying this group as relevant

Working Group PPID Paper Proposals Proposed By
Multi-Omics 11916 Genetic Determinants of MRI-defined Left Atrial Phenotypes in a Multi-Ethnic Population: HCHS/SOL and MESA Jorge Kizer
Multi-Omics 13866 Genetic modification of clonal hematopoiesis-associated coronary artery disease by inflammatory genes Zhi Yu
Multi-Omics 18332 Genome-wide allele-specific analysis in TOPMed cohorts Tianxiao Huan
Multi-Omics 13454 Genome-wide association study of the beta-globin genes ratio measured using whole-blood RNA-seq Guillaume Lettre
Multi-Omics 17818 GWAS Association with Metabolon platform Metabolomics Arunangshu Sarkar
Multi-Omics 20628 Identification of DNA Methylation and Transcriptomic Markers of Coronary Artery Calcium James Guo
Multi-Omics 16141 Imaging and multi-omics analyses of emphysema patterns in MM and MZ smokers Adel El Boueiz
Multi-Omics 15001 Imputation-Based Proteome-Wide Association Studies for Blood Lipid Traits Seunggeun Lee
Multi-Omics 15262 Incorporating TOPMed Multiomics data into rare variant association tests of noncoding regions in whole genome sequencing data using omicsSTAAR, with an application to hematological traits Eric Van Buren
Multi-Omics 16700 Integration of Multi-Omic Datasets to Identify New Markers and Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Calcification Sujin Lee
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