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Paper proposals specifying this group as primary

Working Group PPID Paper Proposals Proposed By
Multi-Omics 10835 Host Genetics and Gut Microbiome Jee-Young Moon
Multi-Omics 6722 Identification of methylation quantitative trait loci using whole genome sequencing Ann Walsh
Multi-Omics 6721 Identify allele-specific expression and genomic imprinting in whole blood derived DNA Ann Walsh
Multi-Omics 14640 Identifying residual cardiovascular event risk signatures using MESA PBMCs multi-omics: Multi-ethnic study of Atherosclerosis Beiyan Zhou
Multi-Omics 20612 Identifying Transcriptomic Changes in Protein-Coding Genes, lncRNAs, and Alternative Splicing Events Associated with Glycemic Traits Ann Walsh
Multi-Omics 13165 Improving power for identifying proteomic quantitative trait loci in the African American population by leveraging data on the European ancestry population. Charles Kooperberg
Multi-Omics 19868 Imputation of gene expression in admixed populations using C-GEM Minoli Perera
Multi-Omics 15001 Imputation-Based Proteome-Wide Association Studies for Blood Lipid Traits Seunggeun Lee
Multi-Omics 15262 Incorporating TOPMed Multiomics data into rare variant association tests of noncoding regions in whole genome sequencing data using omicsSTAAR, with an application to hematological traits Eric Van Buren
Multi-Omics 20575 Integrative graph-based analysis of CVD and its risk factors using alternative RNA splicing and proteomics in the Framingham Heart Study. Xiao Zhang
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