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TOPMed WGS and Omics Summary of Approved Projects

TOPMed WGS and Omics Summary of Approved Projects
TOPMed WGS and Omics Summary of Approved Data
Short Name Study/Cohort Name Populations dbGaP ID WGS RNA-seq Methylation Metabolomics Proteomics
AA_CAC African American Coronary Artery Calcification project African American families phs002194 1,159
AFGen Identification of Common Genetic Variants for Atrial Fibrillation and PR Interval - Atrial Fibrillation Genetics Consortium European ancestry AFGen dbGaP IDs 12,742
Africa6K Integrative Genomic Studies of Heart and Blood Related Traits in Africans African ancestry phs002194 6,392 2,934
Amish Genetics of Cardiometabolic Health in the Amish Old Order Amish large extended pedigrees phs000956 1,120
ARIC+VTE Venous Thromboembolism project African American (20%) phs001211 phs001402 phs000993 10,531 6,111 16,524 16,524
ATGC Asthma Translational Genomics Collaborative African American, Mexican, and Puerto Rican individuals ATGC dbGaP IDs 16,494 9,290
BAGS Barbados Asthma Genetics Study Barbados families of African descent with >40% of asthmatic members phs001143 1,085
BCC-PREG The Boston-Colombia Collaborative for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, White Hispanic, AfroCarribean, Ameridians, Mixed Please see this TOPMed Project's Parent Studies. 14,615
BioMe Mount Sinai BioMe Biobank African American (24%), Hispanic/Latino (35%), European (32%), Other (10%) phs001644 11,626
Boston-Brazil_SCD Boston-Brazil Collaborative Study of Sickle Cell Disease Brazilian phs001599 415
CARDIA Whole Genome Sequence Analysis in Early Cerebral Small Vessel Disease African American and Caucasian young adults phs001612 3,472 6,000 9,480 12,000 12,000
CFS Cleveland Family Study African American phs000954 1,300
CHS Cardiovascular Health Study Adults in the USA aged 65 and older phs001368 4,780
COPDGene Genetic Epidemiology of COPD Non-Hispanic White and African-American, current and former smokers with and without COPD (>10,000) phs000951 phs000946 10,829 800 11,843 8,353
COPDMet Plasma and BALF Metabolomics in COPDGene and SPIROMICS Current, former, and never smokers Please see this TOPMed Project's Parent Studies.
CRA_CAMP The Genetic Epidemiology of Asthma in Costa Rica and the Childhood Asthma Management Program Hispanic population with asthma prevalence at 24% phs001726 phs000988 6,647 3,000 3,000
DS_CHD Down Syndrome Associated Atrioventricular Septal Defects: New Omic Resources Parent-Offspring Trios Please see this TOPMed Project's Parent Studies. 469
ECLIPSE Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints Adults aged 40-75 with at least 10 pack-years of smoking phs001472 2,355
FHS Framingham Heart Study European ancestry
GEM-OSA Genetics, Epigenetics and Metabolomics of OSA subtypes Canada and United States Please see this TOPMed Project's Parent Studies. 3,000 3,000 3,000
GeneSTAR Genetic Studies of Atherosclerosis Risk African American families, European families phs001218 1,780
GenSalt Genetic Epidemiology Network of Salt Sensitivity Rural Chinese families phs001217 1,858
GOLDN Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network European families phs001359 965
HCHS_SOL Hispanic Community Health Study - Study of Latinos Latinos with ancestry from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Central and South Americas phs001395 7,834 7,733 13,000 12,226
HIPS Hemophilia Inhibitor PUPs study Individuals with severe hemophilia A and weight >3.5 kg phs002302 25 2,596
HLKSCD Genetic Variation of Heart, Lung, and Kidney Disease in Sickle Cell Disease: Pre- and Post-Curative Therapies Adults and children from three SCD centers 1,780
HyperGEN_GENOA Hypertension Genetic Epidemiology Network and Genetic Epidemiology Network of Arteriopathy African American families phs001345 phs001293 3,153
IPF Whole Genome Sequencing in Familial and Sporadic Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis European ancestry phs001607 2,883 835
JHS Jackson Heart Study African American, mixed family and population based phs000964 3,418 1,659 5,266 5,266
LTRC Lung Tissue Research Consortium Individuals with lung disease phs001662 1,541 1,548 3,041 1,548 1,548
MDS Genomics of Myelodysplastic Syndromes Adults aged 18 or older phs002360 473 145
MESA Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis Multi-ethnic populations phs001416 7,107 8,903 13,286 12,800 14,200
MLOF My Life, Our Future: Genotyping for Progress in Hemophilia Adults and children with hemophilia A phs001515 5,670 4,500
nuMoM2b-HHS nuMoM2b-Heart Health Study Hispanic (17%), non-Hispanic Black (14%), Asian (4%), other (5%), non-Hispanic White (60%) 4,341 600
OMG_SCD Outcome Modifying Genes in Sickle Cell Disease Adults from North Carolina and Georgia phs001608 653
PCGC_CHD Pediatric Cardiac Genomics Consortium's Congenital Heart Disease Biobank Children and adults phs001735 3,888
PGX_Asthma Pharmacogenomics of Bronchodilator Response in Minority Children with Asthma African American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican ancestry phs001682 423
PharmHU The Pharmacogenomics of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Disease Pediatric patients phs001466 862 826
PROMIS Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study South Asian ancestry from Pakistan phs001569 9,204
PUSH_SCD Pulmonary Hypertension and the Hypoxic Response in Sickle Cell Disease Individuals aged 3-20 years phs001682 423
PVDOMICS Pulmonary Vascular Disease Omics Analyses Adults aged 18 or older phs002358 1,137 4,388 1,800
REDS-III_Brazil Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III Brazilian phs001468 2,746
SAFS San Antonio Family Studies Mexican American in SAFHS extended pedigrees phs001215 1,819
Samoan Samoan Adiposity Study Samoan phs000972 1,295
Sarcoidosis Genetics of Sarcoidosis in African Americans African American families phs001207 1,330
SARP Severe Asthma Research Program African American (29%), Hispanic (4%), non-Hispanic whites (60%), other (7%) phs001446 1,890
SCVI Stanford Cardiovascular Institute iPSC Biobank Study African American, Asian, Hispanic, and Caucasian phs002338 1,163 82
SIT_SCD Silent Infarction Transfusion (SIT) Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
SPIROMICS SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study Adults aged 40-80 years at baseline phs001927 2,711 3,980 3,417
THRV Taiwan Study of Hypertension using Rare Variants Taiwan Chinese families 2,170
TOPCHeF Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine for Congestive Heart Failure Multi-ancestry phs002038 839 776
UNID_CM The Genetic Causes of Unexplained Cardiomyopathies All ages, newborn to adults 779
walk_PHaSST Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension and Sickle Cell Disease with Sildenafil Therapy Individuals aged 12-70 years phs001514 437
WHI Women's Health Initiative Women aged 50-79 years phs001237 11,310 2,365 4,400 4,400 1,000
196,938 64,412 81,033 82,534 34,014
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