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dbGaP registration

TOPMed Projects are a collection of one or more parent studies. Some are derived from a single parent study by selecting a subset of subjects according to various criteria – e.g. relatedness, phenotypes of interest or extent of phenotypic characterization. Some consist of a consortium of multiple parent studies that each contribute subjects with a common phenotype of interest – e.g. atrial fibrillation cases from each of several studies, along with controls from the same or other studies.

Please use SUBJECT_IDs used by studies within previously submitted dbGaP files for phenotype files requested by Working Groups. Please do not use NWD_IDs within phenotype files due to ongoing genotype QC efforts as sample swaps and other sample identity issues are identified. Phenotype files should be indexed by SUBJECT_ID while VCFs and other sequencing data are indexed by NWD_ID (SAMPLE_ID submitted to dbGaP). This way both file types remain robust to QC issues that arise.

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