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Parent/Study Descriptions and Statements

Notes: “phs” is a dbGaP study accession number prefix indicating a phenotype study. A study accession number is a unique, stable, and versioned identifier. 
For studies with no description in the table below, click on the phs number to see the summary provided on dbGaP. In the table, you may encounter phs links that redirect to a dbGaP error page. If so, this is because the TOPMed dbGaP study webpages do not go live until the study accession is released.

The table below provides the names of institutions providing ethics approval or oversight so TOPMed authors can respond to journals that require documentation for ethics review of studies involving human subjects. 

Is your study missing a description? Contact the TOPMed ACC.

Short Name Title TOPMed Accession # Description Ethics statement
PMBB_AF Early-onset Atrial Fibrillation in the Penn Medicine BioBank Cohort phs001601
PROMIS Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study phs001569
PUSH_SCD Pulmonary Hypertension and the Hypoxic Response in Sickle Cell Disease phs001682
PVDOMICS Pulmonary Vascular Disease Omics Analyses phs002451 All PVDOMICS participants provided informed consent, and the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at each enrolling site and at the Data Coordinating Center at the Cleveland Clinic.
REDS-III_Brazil Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study-III phs001468
SAFS Whole Genome Sequencing to Identify Causal Genetic Variants Influencing CVD Risk - San Antonio Family Studies phs001215 All SAFS participants provided informed consent, and the study was approved by Institutional Review Board at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
SAGE Study of African Americans, Asthma, Genes and Environment phs000921 The Study of African Americans, Asthma, Genes, & Environments (SAGE) and the Genes-Environments and Admixture in Latino Americans (GALA II) study both began in 2006 and are parallel case-control studies with similar protocols and questionnaires. Subjects were recruited from 5 urban study centers across the mainland United States and Puerto Rico (Oh et al, 2012 Table E1 (2)); SAGE subjects were recruited only from the San Francisco Bay Area. All subjects were 8 to 21 years old with physician-diagnosed asthma (cases) and no history of other lung or chronic illnesses (cases and controls); active smokers were excluded. Parents and grandparents must have self-identified as Latino (GALA II) or black (SAGE). Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria are detailed in Oh et al, 2012 Table E2 (2). SAGE also included a small number of subjects (300 cases and 300 controls between the ages of 8 and 40 years) with similar protocols and questionnaires adapted from GALA I (1). Each participating center’s institutional review board reviewed and approved the study. Written informed consent was provided by each child’s parent or legal guardian and if 18 and older, by the subject.

1. Burchard EG, Avila PC, Nazario S, Casal J, Torres A, Rodriguez-Santana JR, et al. Lower bronchodilator responsiveness in Puerto Rican than in Mexican subjects with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Feb 1;169(3):386-92.
2. Oh SS, Tcheurekdjian H, Roth LA, Nguyen EA, Sen S, Galanter JM, et al. Effect of secondhand smoke on asthma control among black and Latino children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Jun;129(6):1478,83.e7.
SAGE ATGC ATGC Study of African Americans, Asthma, Genes and Environment phs000921 The Study of African Americans, Asthma, Genes, & Environments (SAGE) and the Genes-Environments and Admixture in Latino Americans (GALA II) study both began in 2006 and are parallel case-control studies with similar protocols and questionnaires. Subjects were recruited from 5 urban study centers across the mainland United States and Puerto Rico (Oh et al, 2012 Table E1 (2)); SAGE subjects were recruited only from the San Francisco Bay Area. All subjects were 8 to 21 years old with physician-diagnosed asthma (cases) and no history of other lung or chronic illnesses (cases and controls); active smokers were excluded. Parents and grandparents must have self-identified as Latino (GALA II) or black (SAGE). Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria are detailed in Oh et al, 2012 Table E2 (2). SAGE also included a small number of subjects (300 cases and 300 controls between the ages of 8 and 40 years) with similar protocols and questionnaires adapted from GALA I (1). Each participating center’s institutional review board reviewed and approved the study. Written informed consent was provided by each child’s parent or legal guardian and if 18 and older, by the subject.

1. Burchard EG, Avila PC, Nazario S, Casal J, Torres A, Rodriguez-Santana JR, et al. Lower bronchodilator responsiveness in Puerto Rican than in Mexican subjects with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Feb 1;169(3):386-92.
2. Oh SS, Tcheurekdjian H, Roth LA, Nguyen EA, Sen S, Galanter JM, et al. Effect of secondhand smoke on asthma control among black and Latino children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Jun;129(6):1478,83.e7.
Samoan Samoan Adiposity Study phs000972 All Samoan study participants provided written informed consent, and the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Brown University, and the Health Research Committee of the Samoa Ministry of Health.
SAPPHIRE_asthma Study of Asthma Phenotypes & Pharmacogenomic Interactions by Race-Ethnicity phs001467 All SAPPHIRE participants provided informed consent, and the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board for Henry Ford Health System.
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