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Working Group Manuscript Approval Template

Documentation of primary Working Group approval is required to submit a manuscript to the TOPMed website. The primary Working Group’s approval should include an assertion that other relevant Working Groups have also approved, when applicable. The template below may be used to document this approval when submitting a TOPMed manuscript to the website.

TOPMed Manuscript Approval by Primary Working Group

Primary Working Group name:

Primary Working Group convener(s) name(s) & affiliations:

Other relevant working groups, if any:


Re Manuscript:  [MS# from paper proposal, first author and title]

Dear TOPMed Publications Committee,

The TOPMed [WG name] Working Group has considered the manuscript cited above and approves its submission for publication, provided that it passes the ACC's administrative review.  We have considered the following factors:

  1. Scientific rigor
  2. Solicitation of appropriate authorship, including coauthor(s) from each contributing study (unless the study declined authorship), the sequencing/omics centers, IRC and ACC, as well as TOPMed banner authorship when appropriate
  3. Consistency of scope between the manuscript and originating paper proposal
  4. Potential for stigmatization
  5. Review and approval by other relevant Working Groups as listed above, if applicable


[Working Group convener(s) names and signature(s)]

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