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Genetic regulation of fetal hemoglobin across global populations

Submitting Author
Sankaran, Vijay G.
Submitting Author's Email
Liam D. Cato1,2,3,*, Rick Li1,2,3,*, Henry Y. Lu1,2,3,*, Fulong Yu1,2,3, Mariel Wissman1,2,3, Baraka Mkumbe4, Supachai Ekwattanakit5, Patrick Deelan6,7,8,9,10, Liberata Mwita4, Raphael Sangeda4,11, Thidarat Suksangpleng5, Suchada Riolueang5, Paola G. Bronson12, Dirk S. Paul13,14, Emily Kawabata13, William J. Astle13,15,16, Francois Aguet3, Kristin Ardlie3, Aitzkoa Lopez de Lapuente Portilla17,18, Guolian Kang19, Yingze Zhang20, Seyed Mehdi Nouraie20, Victor R. Gordeuk21, Mark T. Gladwin22, Melanie E. Garrett23, Allison Ashley-Koch23, Marilyn J. Telen23, Brian Custer24,25, Shannon Kelly24,26, Carla Luana Dinardo27,28, Ester C. Sabino28, Paula Loureiro29, Anna Barbara Carneiro-Proietti30, Claudia Maximo31, NHLBI Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) Consortium32, Adriana Mendez33, Angelika Hammerer-Lercher33, Gudmar Thorleifsson34, Kari Stefansson34, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir34, Vivien A. Sheehan35, Mitchell J. Weiss19, Lude Franke36,7, Bjorn Nilsson17,18,3, Adam S. Butterworth13,14,15,37,38, Vip Viprakasit5,39, Siana Nyka40,4, Vijay G. Sankaran1,2,3,41,✝
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Parent Study: Consent Group Review Status
Boston-Brazil_SCD:HMB-IRB-COL Request cancelled by original requester
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REDS-III_Brazil:GRU-IRB-PUB-COL-NPU Approved automatically after 2 weeks
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